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Thursday, 7 May 2015

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Centre OK with 100m protected Zone in Noida

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A highly place source in the Union en­vi­ron­ment min­istry (MoEF) told TOI that Javadekar had passed the fi­nal no­ti­fi­ca­tion on the re­duced eco-sen­si­tive zone around the Okhla Bird Sanc­tu­ary.Le­gal pro­ce­dure bring­ out the fi­nal no­ti­fi­ca­tion.

After his meet­ing with Javadekar, Noida MP Ma­hesh Sharma said, We have been as­sured by the min­is­ter that the fi­nal no­ti­fi­ca­tion will be brought out throughout the following couple of days. This will convey much re­lief to home ­buy­ers who have been hard-squeezed fi­nan­cially be­cause of the stay on construction ac­tiv­ity.”

The MOEF had a year prior re­leased a draft no­ti­fi­ca­tion of the no-con­struc­tion domain, or eco-sen­si­tive zone, around the Okhla Bird Sanc­tu­ary, mark­ing its con­tours at a ra­dius of 100 me­tres toward the west, south and east of the diversion focus and 1.27km to its north. The fi­nal no­ti­fi­ca­tion, ac­cord­ing to the MoEF source, will reveal no change to this, en­sur­ing that no re­alty


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